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University at Albany
State University of New York
Early Childhood Education and Training Program
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Our Awards
2017 Awards
The Telly Award, Bronze - The Pyramid Model Webseries:
Addressing Challenging Behaviors: An Overview of the Pyramid Model
Addressing Challenging Behaviors: The Pyramid Model in Action
2010 Awards
The 2010 Apex Award for Publication Excellence -
Preventing Shaken Baby Syndrome
The 2010 Apex Award for Publication Excellence -
Tobacco Recovery Resource Exchange e-Learning Hub
2007 Awards
The 2007 W3 Awards - Silver Award (website)
The Aurora Award, Gold Award, Category: PSA-Non-profit Sponsor- "Parent Education Campaign"
The Aurora Award, Gold Award, Category: Issue Awareness- "Mandated Reporter Training for Health Care Providers"
The Videographer Award, Award of Distinction - "Crazy Busy"
The Videographer Award, Honorable Mention - "OOEY GOOEY and Fun"
The Videographer Award, Award of Distinction - "Parent Education Program"
The Videographer Award, Honorable Mention - "Prevent and Protect"
The Videographer Award, Honorable Mention - "SUNY Urban Teacher Education Program"
The Videographer Award, Award of Distinction - "You Can’t Make Me"
The Videographer Award, Award of Excellence - "Indian Child Welfare Act"
The Videographer Award, Award of Distinction - "Mandated Reporting for Health Care Providers"
The Videographer Award, Award of Excellence - "The hidden Dangers of Methamphetamines"
The Videographer Award, Honorable Mention - "YIP: Confronting Stereotypes of Youth in Progress"
2006 Awards
The Telly Award, Bronze - Mandated Reporter Training for Hospital and Community-Based Health Care Providers
The Telly Award, Bronze - Sing It Again! Interacting with Children Through Music
The Telly Award, Bronze - Too Sexy, Too Soon: Understanding Children’s Sexual Development
The Telly Award, Bronze -“You Can’t Make Me”: A Practical Guide to Positive Discipline
The Telly Award, Bronze - OOEY GOOEY and Fun: How to Make Your Program Child Centered
The Communicators Award, Honorable Mention - New York Loves Safe Babies (Spanish)
The Communicators Award, Award of Distinction - Mandated Reporter Training for Health Care Providers
The Communicators Award, Award of Distinction - The hidden Dangers of Methamphetamines
The Communicators Award, Award of Distinction - Prevent and Protect
The Communicators Award, Award of Distinction - Too Sexy, Too Soon
The Communicators Award, Award of Excellence - Crazy Busy
The Communicators Award, Award of Distinction - OOEY GOOEY and Fun
The Communicators Award, Award of Distinction - Sing It Again!
The Videographer Award, Award of Distinction, Government/Training - “Playing It Safe”
The Videographer Award, Honorable Mention, Government/Training - “Sing It Again!”
The Videographer Award, Award of Excellence, TV Programs/Promotion - “Youth in Progress”
2005 Awards
The Telly Award, Bronze - long-form videotape "Youth in Progress"
The Telly Award, Silver - long-form videotape "HIV Risk Reduction"
The Telly Award, Bronze - training videoconference "Circle of Friends"
The Telly Award, Bronze - training videoconference "The Creative Curriculum"
The Telly Award, Silver - training videoconference "Rock Around the Clock"
The Telly Award, Bronze - training videoconference "Weaving Wonderful Tales"
The Aurora Awards, Gold Award, Category: General Instructions - "Playing It Safe"
The Aurora Awards, Gold Award, Category: General Instructions - "Mandated Reporter Training for EMT's"
The Aurora Awards, Platinum Award/Best of Show, Category: General Instructions - "Weaving Wonderful Tales"
The Aurora Awards, Gold Award, Category: General Instructions - "The Creative Curriculum"
The Aurora Awards, Gold Award, Category: General Instructions - "Rock Around The Clock"
The Aurora Awards, Gold Award, Category: General Instructions - "Circle of Friends"
The Aurora Awards, Platinum Award/Best of Show, Category: Public Relations/Awareness - "CBVH: The Business Enterprise Program"
The Aurora Awards, Gold Award, Category: Fund Raising - "Youth in Progress"
The Aurora Awards, Gold Award, Category: Corporate Identity/Image - "Training Strategies Group"
The Communicators Award, Educational Institutions/Training, Crystal Award of Excellence "Playing It Safe"
The Communicators Award, External Communications/Marketing (Service), Crystal Award of Excellence "CBVH The Business Enterprise Program"
The Communicators Award, Educational Institutions/Grades K-12, Award of Distinction “HIV Risk Reduction: Using Male Condoms”
The Communicators Award, Educational Institutions/Training, Award of Distinction “Rock Around the Clock”
The Communicators Award, Educational Institutions/Training, Award of Distinction “The Creative Curriculum”
The Communicators Award, External Communications/Non-Profit, Honorable Mention “Youth In Progress”
2004 Awards
The Aurora Awards, International Gold Award- "Looking at Your Business with Legal Eyes"
The Aurora Awards, International Gold Award- "The Very Hungry Cat in the Hat: An Author Study of Eric Carle and Dr. Seuss"
The Communicators Award, Award of Distinction - "Keeping Your Center Safe and Healthy - A Training Program for Day Care Center Staff"
The Communicators Award, Award of Distinction - "The Very Hungry Cat in the Hat: An Author Study of Eric Carle and Dr. Seuss"
The Telly Award, Winner - "The Very Hungry Cat in the Hat: An Author Study of Eric Carle and Dr. Seuss"
The Telly Award, Finalist - "Literacy: What's Play Got to do with It"
The Telly Award, Finalist - "Keeping Your Center Safe and Healthy - A Training Program for Day Care Center Staff"
The Videographer Award, Award of Distinction - "Family type Homes for Adults"
The Videographer Award, Award of Excellence - "How Does the Brain Read Words? What is Dyslexia?"
The Videographer Award, Award of Distinction - "Keeping Your Center Safe and Healthy: A Training Program for Day Care Center Staff"
The Videographer Award, Honorable Mention - "The Very Hungry Cat in the Hat: An Author Study of Eric Carle and Dr. Seuss"
2003 Awards
The Aurora Awards, Gold Award - "Skipper's Story"
The Videographer Award, Honorable Mention - "Sticks and Stones: Fostering Resiliency in Children"
The Videographer Award, Award of Distinction - "Skipper’s Story"
The 24th Annual Telly Award, Silver Telly Award - "Sticks and Stones: Fostering Resiliency in Children"
2002 Awards
The Videographer Award, Award of Distinction - “Learning in Action”
The 23rd Annual Telly Awards, Finalist - “Be Business Smart”
2001 Awards
The Communicator Award, Award of Distinction - “Creating a Safe Child Care Program”
The Videographer Award, Award of Distinction - “Creating a Safe Child Care Program”
The 22nd Annual Telly Awards, “Effective Strategies for Managing Challenging Behavior in 5 to 9 Year Olds”
1999 Awards
National Education Media Network, Silver Apple Award, "The Developing Brain"
1998 Awards
National Staff Development and Training Association, Quality and Innovation in Training Award
The Vision Award Honoring Excellence in Television Production, National Finalist, "The Developing Brain"
The Film Council of Greater Columbus Honorable Mention, “The Developing Brain” Videoconference, 46th Annual Columbus International Film and Video Festival
CINDY Award - Silver, Region 3/Eastern Canada and Northeastern United States - "The Developing Brain"
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