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State University of New York, Minerva logo State University of New York, Minerva logo Professional Development Program Rockefeller College University at Albany State University of New York

Early Childhood Education and Training Program

Video Library

Welcome to our new video library, where we showcase a variety of videos from our award-winning webcast trainings.

Total Videos: 165
Cómo actualizar su perfil si trabaja en un programa licenciado/registrado de cuidado infantil

Cómo actualizar su perfil si trabaja en un programa licenciado/registrado de cuidado infantil

Este video le brinda instrucciones acerca de cómo las personas que actualmente trabajan en programas de cuidado infantil licenciados o registrados por el estado de Nueva York pueden actualizar sus perfiles de ECETP para incluir su número de centro, a fin de que la información sobre la capacitación del ECETP que concluyan con éxito se transfiera electrónicamente a la OCFS.

Date Added: Mar 29 2023

How to Update your ECETP Profile for NYC Group Child Care Programs, LE and Other

How to Update your ECETP Profile for NYC Group Child Care Programs, LE and Other

This video provides directions for how people currently working in a New York City Group Child Care Program, as a Legally Exempt child care provider, in an enrolled Legally Exempt Group Program, parents or other professionals taking training through the Early Childhood Education and Training Program (ECETP) website can update their ECETP profile to include their facility number so their ECETP training completion data will electronically transferred to OCFS.

Date Added: Mar 29 2023

How to Update your ECETP profile if you work in a NYS Licensed or Registered Child Care Program

How to Update your ECETP profile if you work in a NYS Licensed or Registered Child Care Program

This video provides directions for how people currently working in a New York State licensed or registered child care programs can update their ECETP profile to include their facility number so their ECETP training completion data will electronically transferred to OCFS.

Date Added: Mar 29 2023

Registro para capacitación para quienes no trabajan en un programa licenciado/registrado

Registro para capacitación para quienes no trabajan en un programa licenciado/registrado

Este video le brinda instrucciones acerca de cómo las personas que actualmente trabajan en un programa de cuidado infantil grupal de la ciudad de Nueva York, como proveedor de cuidado infantil legalmente exento, en un programa de grupo legalmente exento inscrito, los padres u otros profesionales que reciben capacitación en el sitio web del Programa de Educación y Capacitación de la Primera Infancia (ECETP) pueden actualizar sus perfiles de ECETP para incluir su número de centro, a fin de que la información sobre la capacitación del ECETP que concluyan con éxito se transfiera electrónicamente a la OCFS.

Date Added: Mar 29 2023

OCFS Lead Testing in Drinking Water Program

OCFS Lead Testing in Drinking Water Program

This short video will introduce you to the OCFS Lead Testing in Drinking Water Program. This voluntary program provides free lead testing to child care facilities that meet its qualifications. For more information about this program and the hazards of lead contamination, take the ECETP eLearning ‘Lead: The Hidden Danger in Drinking Water.’

Date Added: Jan 20 2023

Sueño Seguro para Su Bebé

Sueño Seguro para Su Bebé

Vea este video para obtener información sobre la importancia de las prácticas de sueño seguro de los bebés.

Date Added: Jan 20 2023

Child Care Staff on Teaching Children About Safety

Child Care Staff on Teaching Children About Safety

In this video, child care staff share their thoughts on modeling good safety practices to children. For more information on a wide variety of health and safety topics, take the ECETP eLearning ‘Building on the Foundation of Health and Safety.’

Date Added: Jan 20 2023

Apoyando a los niños en el cuidado infantil durante la emergencia COVID-19

Apoyando a los niños en el cuidado infantil durante la emergencia COVID-19

El video ofrece una conversación cándida con la autora, oradora y entrenadora Barbara Kaiser acerca de maneras en que los proveedores de cuidado infantil pueden apoyar a los niños y sus familias a la vez que los programas de cuidado infantil reabren o continúan proveyendo cuidado durante la emergencia del COVID-19. No se dará crédito por ver este video grabado.

Date Added: Nov 2 2020

Supporting Children in Child Care During the COVID-19 Emergency

Supporting Children in Child Care During the COVID-19 Emergency

This video features a candid conversation with author, speaker and trainer Barbara Kaiser about ways child care providers can support children and families as child care programs re-open or continue to provide care during the COVID-19 emergency. No training credit will be issued for viewing this video.

Date Added: Nov 2 2020

Guidance and Best Practices for Child Care Programs Operating During the COVID-19 Emergency

Guidance and Best Practices for Child Care Programs Operating During the COVID-19 Emergency

This special training provides guidance and clarification on interim guidelines for child care programs operating during the COVID-19 emergency. Discussion around best practice recommendations will also be addressed. This recorded session is for informational purposes only. Training credit will not be issued.

Obtenga una transcripción de este webcast traducido al español.

Date Added: Jul 2 2020

United in Hope: Caring for Children and Child Care Providers

United in Hope: Caring for Children and Child Care Providers

You can watch this special informational session sharing Center for Disease Control (CDC), NYS Department of Health and Office of Children and Family Services guidance, best practices, and perhaps most importantly, hope. Please note training credit is no longer available for this session.

Date Added: May 19 2020



What is the Facility Application and Management System (FAMS)? Will it affect my child care program? This video provides an introduction to FAMS – why to use it, how to use it, and all of the exciting features the system has to offer.

Date Added: Feb 27 2019

Big Ideas of Sustainability

Big Ideas of Sustainability

The concept of sustainability has many layers; it's helpful to break it down into small chunks or big ideas. From "6-07-18 Educating for Sustainability".

Date Added: Jun 26 2018

Child Day Care Space Configurations

Child Day Care Space Configurations

This video depicts space arrangements and items you can offer children to promote learning and exploration.

Date Added: Jun 26 2018

Community Partnerships: Radix Ecological Sustainability Center

Community Partnerships: Radix Ecological Sustainability Center

The Radix Ecological Sustainability Center's Educational Director, Scott Kellogg, shares his thoughts on the importance of exposing children to resources found in their own community. From "6-07-18 Educating for Sustainability".

Date Added: Jun 26 2018

Cultivating Caring

Cultivating Caring

This video offers you some ideas on where to start engaging children in place-based and service learning opportunities, and how you can assist them in building a sense of caring and action. From "6-07-18 Educating for Sustainability".

Date Added: Jun 26 2018

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