Addressing Challenging Behavior: The Pyramid Model in Action
The Pyramid Model for Supporting Social Emotional Competence in Infants and Young Children is a sound framework of evidence-based practices developed by the Center for the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL) and the Technical Assistance Center on Social Emotional Intervention (TACSEI) to promote social and emotional competence in early care and education systems. The Pyramid Model provides universal supports to all children to promote wellness, targeted services to those who need more support, and intensive services to those who need them. We encourage you to watch this webcast to learn about what the Pyramid Model is and how you can use it in your program to reduce challenging behaviors and support families. You will learn about and see specific Pyramid Model tools and strategies in action, including: visual cues and schedules, scripted stories, book nooks, building emotional vocabulary, communicating with children, problem solving steps and solution cards.
Date aired: 11/3/2016
Date added to library: 11/14/2016
Video Tags/Keywords:
Pyramid Model, Rob Corso, strategies, visual cues, visual schedules, book nook, scripted story, Tucker Turtle, Glad Monster Sad Monster, feelings games, Inventory of Practice, emotional vocabulary, CSEFEL, what to do, communication, problem solving, solution cards, Master Cadre, parent story, Charlie, social emotional development, challenging behavior, tiers, framework, Rochester Childfirst Network, RCN, Pyramid Model Consortium, Pyramid Model strategies, Corso Pyramid, foundation