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State University of New York, Minerva logo State University of New York, Minerva logo Professional Development Program Rockefeller College University at Albany State University of New York

Early Childhood Education and Training Program

EIP Scholarships are available for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and First Aid (CPR/FA) Training

Income is no longer used as a factor to determine your eligibility for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and First Aid (CPR/FA) training scholarships.

Funding has been dedicated specifically for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and First Aid (FA) training. The training must be provided by an approved trainer participating with the Educational Incentive Program. You can find a list of training organizations providing CPR/First Aid Training here.

CPR/FA scholarship eligibility will be determined using the same eligibility guidelines as used for all other EIP scholarships, with the exception of income. Exception: substitutes in family/group family day care are eligible to receive CPR/FA scholarships.

  1. You must be a U.S. Citizen, Permanent Resident, or Resident Alien authorized to work in the U.S.
  2. You must be a paid employee, or the direct supervisor of a paid employee in a NYS OCFS or NYC DOHMH registered or licensed child care program.
  3. You must be currently caring for children, or the direct supervisor of employees who care for children, as part of the adult/child ratio requirement.

See this chart for acceptable forms of employment verification.

Scholarship awards will be issued for up to $125 for classroom trainings and up to $95 for online trainings that include a face-to-face skills testing component. CPR and First Aid scholarships are awarded in addition to your maximum annual scholarship amount.

To apply for a CPR/FA scholarship, complete an online application and select "CPR/FA" as the course type.

Still have questions?

Contact EIP at:
(518) 442-6575 or toll free at 1-800-295-9616.
or by email at