Sep 09, 2024
Virtual Class Registration is Open!
October finds us in the home stretch of 2024. How are you doing with your OCFS training requirements?
Live, virtual classes are available in English and Spanish. They will discuss safe sleep practices and how to improve or maintain
a positive provider/regulator relationship so you can provide children with a safe and healthy environment where they can learn and grow.
Each class offers 1.5 training credit hours in OCFS approved training topics.
Seats fill up quickly, so visit the ECETP website and register for Virtual Class training today.
Sep 06, 2024
In the event a child experiences anaphylaxis, would you know what to do?
Do you have the tools to save a life? If not, the New York State Office of Children and Family Services Non-Patient
Specific Auto-Injector Initiative offers training, resources, and epinephrine auto injectors to eligible child care programs.
Epinephrine is a life-saving medication that can be given to anyone who is experiencing the signs and symptoms of an allergic reaction.
It is safe, fast acting and easy to administer.
Find out more about Allergy Awareness and the Auto-Injector Initiative so you will know what to do.
Aug 26, 2024
New training opportunity for family and group family day care homes.
We are pleased to announce that On-Demand Training is now available for family and group family day care staff, substitutes, and volunteers.
On-Demand Training gives you 24/7 access to a selection of previously recorded webcasts and current eLearning courses. They include handout
materials, activities, and directions for conducting On-Demand Training sessions. Successful completion of On-Demand Training courses counts
toward fulfilling the OCFS training requirements.
Qualified family and group family providers can now apply to become On-Demand Trainers. If eligible, you can use On-Demand Training to
conduct trainings for your staff, substitutes, and volunteers. Please note that due to the responsibilities associated with facilitating
On-Demand Training, trainers conducting On-Demand training are not eligible for training credit or certificates.
You can learn more about On-Demand Training, and apply to become a trainer, by visiting the
On-Demand section of our website.
Aug 26, 2024
Nueva oportunidad de capacitación para hogares de cuidado diurno familiar grupal y familiar.
Nos alegra anunciar que la capacitación On-Demand está disponible para personal, reemplazantes y voluntarios en hogares de
cuidado diurno familiar grupal y familiar. La capacitación de On-Demand le ofrece acceso 24/7 a una selección de transmisiones por Internet
previamente grabadas y cursos de aprendizaje en línea actuales. Incluyen folletos, actividades e instrucciones para dictar las sesiones de
capacitación de On-Demand. La compleción exitosa de estos cursos puede ayudar al personal, los reemplazantes y los voluntarios a cumplir
con los requisitos de capacitación de la OCFS.
Ahora los proveedores calificados pueden aplicar para convertirse en capacitadores de On-Demand. Si es eligible, puede
usar capacitación On-Demand para dictar capacitaciones en el trabajo para su personal, reemplazantes y voluntarios. Tenga en cuenta que,
debido a las responsabilidades asociadas a facilitar la capacitación de On-Demand, los capacitadores que dicten la capacitación de
On-Demand no son elegibles para recibir crédito o certificados por la capacitación.
Puede obtener más información, y aplicar para convertirse en capacitador de On-Demand, visitando la sección de
On-Demand del Programa de Educación y Capacitación de la Primera Infancia en nuestro
sitio web.